We Know the Light is There
Candles in daylight –
Why do we love you?
Flames scarcely visible,
A shuddering star
That might next moment
Die: we cannot
When we let the match
Linger long as it kisses
The lonely wick,
Until suddenly, silently
A flame is alive
And dancing,
ThenWe celebrate – that birth,
The simple fact we’re here,
Sharing time together –
An English June; sun
Casting the window shape
Onto the carpet
DrownsCandle’s white flame.
But we made our quiet point,
Didn’t we? No need to wait for
Darkness, death’s-head darkness
Before we create the light.
Our daytime candle
FlameIs light always,
Life always,
Our consecration
Invisible, shivering
On that lonely wick